What degree will I obtain as a Psychology major?
You will earn a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Psychology.
Is a minor required with this major?
Yes. You will be required to have a minor with this degree. You may also declare a double major in the same degree (B.S.).
What is a good complimentary minor?
Complimentary minors for Psychology vary according to the individual student. Some common minors include Sociology, Exercise Science, & Outdoor Education.
How many credits of Psychology classes will I need to take?
You will be required to take at least 50 credits in the field of Psychology.
Who is my advisor?
To check your advisor, login to My BHSU/Snap, click Student and 'Student Main Menu'. Your advisor will be listed in your student profile. If no advisor is listed, contact Registrar's Office.
How do I change my advisor?
If you would like to change your advisor, contact Registrar's Office.
What are common job outcomes for Psychology graduates?
There are a wide range of job outcomes for Psychology graduates. Some common career goals are mental health counselors, school counselors, school psychologists, clinical psychologists, sports psychologists, experimental psychologists, professors, and human resources employees.
I am interested in attending graduate school. What do I do next?
Visit out Grad School page for more information. You will also want to speak with an advisor on which courses you should be taking. Research and/or internship experiences are often required on graduate school applications.
How do I get involved in research?
Generally, students are encouraged to have statistics and/or research methods at least started before beginning research. Some professors, however, may be willing to take exceptional students on a case-by-case basis. Contact the research professor of your interest area for more information: Dr. Alissa Call, Dr. Eric Clapham, Dr. Nathan Deichert, or Dr. Emilia Flint.
Who do I contact for internship information?
Contact Dr. Emilia Flint for more information on internships. Also, keep an eye out for postings around campus (particularly in the Jonas Skywalk).
American Psychiatric Association
American Psychological Association
APA Accredited Graduate Programs
Association for Psychological Science
CACREP Accredited Graduate Programs