This page is the definitive source for the most current Black Hills State University policies and procedures. Any policy or procedure duplicated elsewhere might not be the most current versions. All policies and procedures documented here are official and supersede any others posted elsewhere. Black Hills State University is governed by state and federal law, administrative regulations, and the policies of the South Dakota Board of Regents (SDBOR) and the State of South Dakota.

Handbooks & Plans

Section 1: General


1:1 Policy Creation

1:2 Open Records Request-Fulfillment

Freedom of Expression Statement 

Section 2: Academic Affairs


2:1 Sabbatical (under review)

2:2 Faculty Workload (under review)

2:3 Absence from Class including Weather and Faculty Sick Days

2:4 Academic Freedom & Responsibility

2:5 Student Academic Misconduct

2:7 Disruptive Behavior

2:8 Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA)

2:9 Final Exam

2:10 Grading

2:11 Faculty Office Hours

2:12 Syllabus

2:13 University Sponsored Activities

2:14 Textbook Adoption

2:15 Class Attendance

2:16 Honorary Degrees

Section 3: Student Life


3:1 Student Code of Conduct

3:2 Campus-Wide Posting

3:3 Service Animals and Emotional Support Animals

3:4 Public Viewing of Films/Movies

3:5 Sales

3:6 Student Housing

3:7 Student Housing – Over 21 Housing

3:8 Student Not Registered but Assigned Housing

3:9 Undergraduate Admission

3:10 Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards

Section 4: Human Resources


4:1 Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance

4:2 Conflict of Interest

4:3 Equal Opportunity, Non-Discrimination, and Affirmative Action

4:4 Employment Background Checks

4:5 Drug Free Environment

4:6 Student Employment

4:7 Title IX & Sexual Harassment

4:8 Human Rights Complaints

4:9 Performance Review & Evaluation

4:10 Volunteers

4:11 Time & Leave Reporting

4:12 Five Year Review of Administrator

4:13 Telecommuting

4:14 Employees Seeking and Holding Elective Political Offices

4:15 Delegation of Authority in Employment Actions

Section 5: Finance & Business


5:1 Institutional Representation Funds

5:2 Employee Travel

5:3 University Collections

5:4 Membership and Licensure

5:5 Consulting Contracts

5:6 Contract, Agreement, and Memorandum of Understanding Review and Approval

5:7 Household Moving Allowance

5:8 Purchasing

Section 6: Facilities


6:1 Sale of Alcohol on BHSU Property

6:2 Institutional Sponsorship and Advertising for Gaming and Alcoholic Beverages

6:3 Office/Building/Classroom Key Distribution

6:4 Motor Pool and Fleet

6:5 Work Order Requests

6:6 Snow & Ice Removal

6:7 University Mail Services

6:8 Campus Tobacco

6:9 Department Inventory Deletion

6:10 Recycling

6:11 Naming of University Facilities, Programmatic Units, or Funded Academic Honors

6:12 Emergency Campus Closures

6:13 Assigning On- and Off-Campus Workstations

Section 7: Technology


7:1 Credit Card Payments

7:2 Password Requirements

7:3 Multi-Factor Authentication for University Accounts

Section 8: Athletics


8:1 Department of Athletics Disciplinary

8:2 Substance Abuse

Section 9: Safety & Security


9:1 Notification that a Student is Missing

9:2 Dangerous Weapons and Firearms

9:3 Freedom of Speech and Use of Institutional Facilities and Grounds for Expression & Demonstration

9:4 Cameras used for Safety and Security

Section 10: University Marketing & Communications


10:1 Advertising & External Creative Agencies Approval

10:2 Design Requests

10:3 Design Templates


10:5 Public Relations & News Media

 10:6 Social Media