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What's Next for the Class of 2024?

Catie Haar

Professional Accountancy and Economics Major from Rapid City, SD 

Portrait of Abbie MayerAbbie Mayer 

Elementary Education Major from Sioux Falls, SD

What are your plans after graduation?

I plan to move back to my hometown and find a job within the Sioux Falls School District as an elementary teacher - anywhere from kindergarten to 5th grade would be my preference!

What's your favorite memory at BHSU?

I have so many fun memories at BHSU making it really hard to choose my favorite. Many of my favorite memories came from being an RA my second year in college. With my hall residents, I created a collage of pictures that spread across the entirety of my hall which was comprised of photos of the people living in my building that they were willing to include. This started as around 20 pictures but quickly grew to hundreds of funny images that depicted a community that I felt proud of. It was always hilarious to welcome people into my hallway because they were always taken aback by the sheer number of images on the walls, but most of the time, they started asking if they could put their pictures up. While there were so many more memories created - including a fake wedding, late night chaos, and LOTS of water balloons - my favorite memory had to be those pictures that represented the strong community that was created. These pictures were up all year, and when it came time to take them down, it was heartbreaking how empty the hall felt without thousands of smiles lighting up the walls as you walked through.

What are you most excited for about your future?

I am so excited to be a teacher and watch children progress and succeed in their education. School has always been something that I have held to a high standard, and I am ready to bring my expectations into the classroom and help push students to meet their own educational goals. I love the idea of making memories with my students that they get to carry with them forever; I remember so much about my elementary years, and I want to give my students those same kinds of experiences and happy memories that I found within my education. My future students are why I am so excited about my impending career because I know they will bring me so much joy in my years to come, and I feel more prepared than ever to begin that journey with them!

Portrait of Shelby Thurlow

Shelby Thurlow 

Physical Education Major from Sturgis, SD

What are your plans after graduation?

Attend Lindenwood University to pursue a Master's degree in curriculum and instruction design.

What clubs, organizations, sports were you involved in?

I have been involved in TRIO, BHSU Spanish Club, and BHSU Softball.

What are your plans for graduation day?

I plan on spending the day surrounded by famiy and friends, celebrating this milestone moment in my life! 

Portrait of Danica Shupick

Danica Shupick

Physical Education Major from Gillette, WY

What are your plans after graduation?

As of right now, my plan after graduation is to find a teaching job for the following school year. After my graduation vacation trip in May, I’ll be on the hunt for teaching jobs!

What clubs, organizations, sports were you involved in?

While in college, I was apart of TRIO Student Support Services. They’re absolutely amazing with helping you every step of the way during your college years!

What's your favorite memory at BHSU?

I would have to say that any of the outdoor education and physical education classes were my favorite. There was a fun mix of getting active in classes while completing class credits. I really enjoyed classes like archery, outdoor ed, adapted P.E, and obviously my student teaching practicum.

How has your time at BHSU changed your life?

My time at BHSU has changed my life by adding a community of friends. The people in all my P.E courses have created a special bond that will last forever. Having this group of friends offers me a lifetime of shared experiences and support through any challenges. College itself is great for building relationships, but my time specifically at BHSU has allowed me to foster these relationships past the point of just classmates or acquaintances. I have been able to form deep, meaningful connections with my peers and professors that will last beyond graduation. BHSU has definitely enriched my life.

What are you most excited about for your future?

I’m most excited for being able to do what I’m passionate about. Student teaching was a great way of showing me what my future will look like, and I can’t wait to start it!

What are your plans for graduation day?

My plans for graduation day is to hang out with family and friends.

How has BHSU prepared you to achieve your future goals?

BHSU has prepared me for meeting my goals by providing me resources to keep me on track and offering an outlet. BHSU also hires GREAT professors and staff. I have had an AMAZING TRIO advisor, Nathan Feldt, and I’ve created a special bond with another BHSU professor, Dr. Breon Derby. These people are very important to me, and I wouldn’t be where I am right now without them.


Portrait of Thomas Schlater

Thomas Schlater 

Physical Education Major from Moorcroft/Upton, WY

What are your plans after graduation?

After graduating, I have accepted an Elementary PE job in Upton, where I am currently living. I will also be coaching football, wrestling and track with the Upton Bobcats!

Who was your favorite professor and why?

My favorite Professor is Breon Derby! She welcomes everyone into her class with open arms, and she does a great job at getting the very best out of students. Without her, I'm not sure I would be where I am today!

How has your time at BHSU changed your life?

BHSU has changed my life because it has given me some of the best classmates that I have the privilege to call my friends. With our time in the PE program together, we have become somewhat of a family and plan to stay close even after graduation. We have been getting dinner together as a class at least once a week, if possible, through our last semester together, with the exception of our classmates outside of the area.

How has BHSU prepared you to achieve your future goals?

BHSU has helped me be the best teacher I can be by preparing me to handle real life challenges in the field and providing me with endless opportunities to enhance my teaching skills. This couldn't have been done without the unconditional support of our PE instructor Breon Derby.


Portrait of Isabella Rodriguez

Isabella Rodriguez 

Sociology and Human Services Major from Spearfish, SD

What are your plans after graduation?

I plan to go straight into the workforce in a human service-related field for a year to save up for grad school and apply for the 2025-26 year.

Who was your favorite professor and why?

I would have to say all the psychology and sociology professors in the Skywalk are my favorite. They helped me grow as a person, and I am so thankful for them. Although my friends and I probably terrorized them all year, I'm sure they will miss us... I hope.

Who was your best friend on campus?

I got to shout out Celsey Selland. We might be chaotic together, but I wouldn't want it any other way.

Daniel Egemo

Political Science Major from Lead, SD

Portrait of Hope Schumacker

Hope Schumacker 

Photography Major from Devils Lake, ND

What are your plans after graduation?

After graduation, I plan to travel for a month or so and see family and friends. Then, in early July, I plan to move to Georgia and pursue a career in commercial photography. I am very excited to see where the future takes me!

What was your favorite class and why?

My favorite class I took while I was at BHSU was studio photography with Skott Chandler. This class helped me understand lighting to a whole new extent and led to my love for lifestyle and editorial photography. Skott also creates a great atmosphere in his classes and has a great teaching style.

What are you most excited about for your future?

I am extremely excited to see where my future takes me. I can't wait to meet the incredible people and businesses I will get to work with. I am also excited to continue exploring the world—traveling and experiencing other parts of the world is one of my favorite things to do!

How has BHSU prepared you to achieve your future goals?

BHSU has greatly prepared me for my future. The photography program here is incredible, and it has given me the foundation and tools I need to feel prepared going out into the world.

Who was your favorite professor and why?

Choosing just one professor is nearly impossible, so I have two, Skott Chandler and Allen Morris. They are both extremely dedicated to their students and have helped me greatly inside and outside the classroom. They are always willing to help and push their students to be the best they can be. I wouldn't have been able to get through the past four years without them.

Portrait of Rylan Bruns

Rylan Bruns

Photography Major from Mitchell, SD

What are your plans after graduation?

I will be staying around Spearfish creating media for BHSU!

Who was your favorite professor and why?

When I am asked what was my favorite class or professor I can never pick, as I have so many options as I went through college. As a photo major, you spend so much time down in the basement of Jonas. Everyone is down there, and it's one of the coolest dynamics of people who are all striving to create impressive pieces of artwork. 

What's your favorite memory at BHSU?

There are too many to count. I can still remember freshman year, right out of Covid, and the Pizza Gang would do whatever we could think of. I’m surprised WC is still standing after us. Then, there was always the house and everyone who was there to make that place a home through Mexican train nights and random late night events.

Portrait of Kayla Lee

Kayla Lee

Exercise Science Major from Kearney, NE

What are your plans after graduation?

I will be starting my doctorate degree in physical therapy at Briar Cliff University this upcoming June! 

How has your time at BHSU changed your life?

In my time here at BH I was fortunate enough to continue my softball career. With that I have met some of my best friends and made some lifelong memories! 

Who was your favorite professor and why?

My favorite professor would have to be Dr. Pfeiffer! She has always made class so fun and interactive. She has also been an extreme help in many of my classes as well as a major help in getting me into my graduate program. I will forever be grateful for all that Dr. Pfeiffer has done and taught me. 

Portrait of Maggie Peterson

Maggie Peterson

Environmental Physical Science Major from Watertown, SD

What are your plans after graduation?

After graduation, I’m going to do a summer internship with Coastwatch in
Dublin, where I will have the opportunity to conduct environmental
research on tracking coastal erosion and habitats around Ireland. 

What was your favorite class and why?

It's hard to pick one. I would say Field Methods, which is
taught by Professor Domagall. The class is very engaging and helps strengthen skills I will use in the field with my environmental degree. I appreciate that the class incorporates a lot of hands on work, and I love that we were outside all of the time reinforcing our mapping, interpreting, and note taking!

Who was your favorite professor and why?

Dr. Abigail Domagall is my favorite professor, and she is a fantastic instructor! She teaches with enthusiasm and creates a postive atmosphere. I admire her teaching style and how she constantly supports her students!

What are your plans for graduation day?

Graduation night I plan celebrating with some friends and
fellow classmates. Then, during the weekend I will spend time
with my family and friends who have supported me through my academic career.

How has your time at BHSU changed your life?

My time at BH has changed my life in numerous different ways. Firstly, environmental science is a broad degree, but I feel well-rounded in my environmental program at BH, and I'm excited to see how this will help shape my career. Also, BH has taught me the importance of being involved with the community, and I am glad to have built a support system that I can continue to rely on in my future endeavors.

Portrait of Elyssa Cummings

Elyssa Cummings

Biology and Sociology Major from Torrington, WY

What are your plans after graduation?

I will be continuing my education at the University of Minnesota in the Twin Cities! I will be pursuing a master's in public health with an emphasis in environmental health and environmental infectious diseases!

What clubs, organizations, sports were you involved in? 

I was involved primarily with Women in STEM, Campus Ventures and the Honors Program!

What was your favorite class and why?

My favorite class is probably between sociological theory and genetics! I love the theory aspect of sociology (it is initially why I became a double major), and I really enjoy thinking critically about the world around us. As for genetics, I have always found this subject to be incredibly fascinating (particularly the mutation aspect of genetics), and I also really enjoyed the way that Dr. Pawlus taught the class!

Who was your favorite professor and why?

I also have to choose between favorite professors- I loved having Dr. Laura Colmenero-Chillberg for such a large portion of my sociology classes! She also was my mentor for my research project that I did with the Honors Program, so I got to know her fairly well! I also loved having Dr. Matthew Pawlus for my introductory bio class, and genetics, as he is incredibly knowledgeable about the subjects. I also really enjoyed his teaching style, as I feel like I was able to really grasp the concepts well!

What are you most excited about for your future?

At this point, the future is so close, yet so much is still unknown! I think that I am most excited for graduate school at this point in time! I am hoping to continue my education further, and eventually obtain a PhD!

What’s your favorite memory at BHSU?

One of my favorite memories (there are so many), has to be the summer that I spent in Denver, Colorado! I had gone to Denver that summer with Campus Ventures to be a part of an 8-week discipleship training program called Project Impact! I learned so much that summer, and I met some of my best friends as well! I am also a huge hockey fan, and I was in Denver the same summer that the Avalanche won the Stanley Cup, so that was super cool to be living in Denver when they won!