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What's Next for the Class of 2023?

Abigail Renner 

Double major in Biology and Chemistry from Lander, WY

Graduate Feature: Abigail Transcript
Abigail Renner
Um, my name is Abigail Renner. I'm from Lander, Wyoming, and I'm graduating with a double major in biology and chemistry.
BH was kind of my first option when it came to sports, but I also really wanted a high academic institution. Um, just with my future goals and aspirations I needed to have a place that would push me academically. BH gave me the opportunity to continue playing volleyball, which was something that I loved doing. And I knew that playing volleyball would help me academically as well. So having a team- they push me in academics and I also get to push them. It's like a built-in family, so I've never really gotten homesick. It's like I have my biggest support net around me, and they're always checking in on me- asking me how I'm doing, pushing on me, just loving on me through life's ups and downs. And so, having that volleyball team to kind of ease me into my college experience was amazing. Like, I wouldn't trade that for anything. I wanted a school that was smaller, on the smaller end so that I could get to know all my professors. Especially with athletics, being gone Thursdays and Fridays most weeks, I wanted to be able to have a professor that would understand if I was gone and be willing to help me if I needed anything. So that's what the school has really provided me with. Um, it's given me that opportunity to be able to go to professors, and I feel like some of these professors are like my friends, which you aren't really going to get at other schools. Um, and they always come to our games and support us, so. Academically, I've really thrived in this environment. This was sophomore year. I was taking genetics with Dr. Pawlus, and he mentioned that he was doing research on stem cells. And, as a person who wants to go into the medical field, I was kind of intrigued when he mentioned that. I was like, "Oh, really? Like, they're doing that here?" We found out some really important things and from that we were able to publish a paper. Um, that was pretty amazing- getting a notice that my name was on a paper, and I was a junior in college. Um, so that was really a great experience that I can use moving forward to show that I am involved in various other things in school. This school has made it really hard for me to want to leave. Um, I tried to get out of here in three years, and then I figured out, "Nope, I want to stay longer." And it's because of the people that I've met. Not just in volleyball, but in other sports programs, in my classes, and my professors. Just having that support net has made it feel like I'm meant to be here, which I really, really loved and enjoyed. So, after graduation, I will be re-enrolling in BH's master's program of integrative genomics and I'll be able to continue my research with Dr. Pawlus as a master's student. And that will take me about a year and a half, and in the process I will continue to play volleyball. I have my last year of eligibility because of Covid, so I'll finish that this next fall. And then in the interim apply to med school and hopefully get accepted in the future.

Portrait of Katie OwenKatie Owen

Math major from Casper, WY

What are your plans after graduation?

I will be pursuing my PhD in mathematics and continuing my research for the Bridges conference. 

What was your favorite class and why?

My two favorite classes were Renaissance Art and History of Math. I learned a lot about the overlap of math and art in both of these courses, which made me realize I wanted to become an educator!

How has your time at BHSU changed your life?

BH has changed my life in a lot of ways! I found the best people here that I will carry with me forever, and I completely fell in love with the Black Hills. I've learned so much, and BH has been a great place to start my education. 

Portrait of TaylorAnn WooleyTaylorAnn Wooley

Political Science major from Wright, WY

What are your plans after graduation?

Move to Washington, D.C. to work as a Legislative Correspondent for a U.S. Senator. 

I am also really proud of my recently completed thesis titled "Bridging the Divide: A Qualitative Analysis of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan's Treatment of Women."

What's your favorite memory at BHSU?

Attending the National IPDA Debate Tournament in Abilene, Texas as a part of Dr. Ryan Clark's debate team. I got to travel and compete with some of my favorite people and felt so supported throughout the experience. I also got 3rd in the tournament, so that was neat!

How has BHSU prepared you to achieve your future goals?

I have had some outstanding professors here who helped shape me into the person I am today. Dr. Ryan Clark taught me to speak well and not doubt my abilities. Dr. Abby Domagall taught me the value of diversifying and that learning will never be a waste of time. Dr. Pam Carriveau has been my biggest supporter through it all and is always there to encourage my passions and see my potential. I will carry these lessons and words with me as I move to D.C. and begin my political career. 

Molly Amann

Elementary Education major from Parker, CO

Graduate Feature: Molly Transcript
Molly Amann
My name is Molly Amann, I am from originally from Parker, Colorado, but I graduated high school in Sundance, Wyoming, so. I'm going to be graduating BH with a degree in elementary education.
I chose to come to BH when I was a senior. I had this big long list of like colleges that I wanted to visit, and since I was only 30 minutes away from BH, it was the first on my list. So, my parents and I come here and we do like the Yellowjacket Preview Day. And, I was like, "Yeah, this is perfect." And my mom was like, "Are you sure you don't want to do anything else?" I was like, "Nope." And I've loved it ever since, so it's a perfect fit for me. I've had honestly like the perfect college experience here. I've had professors that know my name and they work with me, and they still check in with me. I have made some of the best friends of my whole life. My college roommate and I, we're still really close. I've made great plans through classes. I've just continually felt support at BH. I've felt a true community for one of the first times in my life in an educational institution, and just felt really lucky for my whole experience here. Dr. John Alsup, Dr. Sydney Haugland are two that just really made a huge impact on my life personally. They worked with me when I was going through some stuff my sophomore year. They just supported me, and they still do. If you're considering going into elementary education, I would say do it. It's such a rewarding career and it's such a rewarding experience. I feel like I'm going into the career field a better prepared educator. I feel like I know things that will help me be successful in the career field. So after graduation I'm going to be long-term subbing here at an elementary school in Spearfish. Um, and then after that just look for a job and I hope to stay in the Black Hills. I really love the community, so I'd love to give back to it. Overall, like, my experience at BH truly has been one that, um- I've talked to other people who've gone to bigger colleges and they don't have the experience of community that we have here. I mean, like I said, professors are supportive, and your peers are supportive. And you can try so many different things here. The small feel of the college is- you can't trade it for anything. It's just really special.

Portrait of Liliana Garcia-PerezLiliana Garcia-Perez

American Indian Studies and Human Services major from Flandreau, SD

What are your plans after graduation?

My plans after graduation will be to further my education to get my Master's degree in counseling. 

What clubs, organizations, sports were you involved in?

I was in Lakota Omniciye and this organization is family. I felt very welcomed freshman year, and ever since, they have made my experience at BHSU amazing. 

What was your favorite class and why?

My favorite class at BHSU was Ethnobotany with Dr. Rosie Sprague because we were able to learn about the different medicinal plants within the Native American culture. We also learned about all the medicinal plants within our community and in the Black Hills. The class was able to physically go out and see the plants in certain areas around town and even in the canyon. This class has helped me identify the plants around us and helped me notice more beautiful plants around us too. Thanks so much, Dr. Sprague!

What are your plans for graduation day? (Parties, family gatherings)

My plans for graduation day are to celebrate with my family, eat good food, and spend time with my husband, Jacey, and son, Cruz. They were and are both a big motivation towards my degree and education. 

Portrait of Haley Hesselgesser

Haley Hesselgesser
Business Administration - Entrepreneurship major from Las Vegas, NV

What are your plans after graduation?

I am currently a real estate agent in Las Vegas and plan to continue to be a real estate agent. I also plan to become a real estate investor and business owner. 

What clubs, organizations, sports were you involved in?

I played on the BHSU women's soccer team for two years and participated in the Jacket Investment Club. 

What are your plans for graduation day?

My plans for graduation day are to enjoy the commencement ceremony, take graduation photos in the Spearfish Canyon, and to celebrate with my family.


Portrait of Gabi Daharsh

Gabi Daharsh

Studio Art and Human Services major from Gothenburg, NE

What are your plans after graduation?

I plan to take a gap year while working and applying to graduate schools. I hope to be participating in a graduate program in ceramics by the fall of 2025, where I will obtain an MFA. 

What clubs, organizations, sports were you involved in?

I was a RA, SRA, and Hall Director for Residence Life starting my second semester up until my fourth year here. I was also involved in Swarm Days Committee and gave student tours for several semesters. During my final semester, I worked in the Residence Life office for work-study, as well as a proctor for the art department, where I worked hands-on in the ceramic studio. 

Who was your favorite professor and why?

It is very difficult for me to pick just one because I have had many great professors in the art department. Quintin, Desy, and Michael have all been great teachers and mentors and have pushed me to always do my best. 

How has your time at BHSU changed your life?

My time at BHSU has changed my life in so many ways. I have been given so many opportunities, from traveling to the Philippines to becoming a Hall Director. These opportunities have allowed me to gain many new skills and create new relationships that I will never forget. The community at BHSU is very welcoming and has always made me feel like I belonged here. 

What are you most excited about for your future?

I am excited for new opportunities, and, if I'm being honest, a break from homework. My very first semester here was scary, as I did not know anyone. However, I quickly made new life-long friends and am thrilled to meet other artists in the future and continue my practice in ceramics.