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A background in sociology benefits relationships in all parts of our lives including family and community relationships. We are all members of social groups, and understanding how they function helps improve our ability to successfully and effectively participate in all areas of our lives.

Dr. Laura Colmenero-Chilberg. 


Graduates in Sociology from BHSU are attending law school, graduate school, working as community organizers, advocating for the rights of children and the developmentally challenged, working in business and management positions, serving in for profit and non-profit organizations, assistant managers of local business, etc.

A degree can lead to employment opportunities in all of the following areas:

  • Criminal Justice- In corrections, rehabilitation, law enforcement, the justice system, parole system.
  • Business and Industry- Advertising, Consumer and Market Research, Management of Non-profit organizations, Human Resources, Training and Human Development, Leadership Training.
  • Research and Planning- Governmental and regional planning departments, research firms, evaluation research, public opinion research.
  • Agencies-Social Services, Mental Health Services, Adoption, Child Care, Youth Services, Developmental Disability Services.
  • Government- Social Science Analysis, Census Bureau and other federal agencies, Administration, Policy Analysis, Personnel, Homeland Security.
  • Education- Public and Private Schools, Colleges and Universities, Administration, Alumni Relations, Placement Offices, Educational Research.
  • Advocacy- Environmental, Child Welfare, National Policies, Victims Rights, Labor Rights, Community Organization.
  • Communications- Technical Writing, Newspaper and Magazine Reporting, Public Relations.

Need help finding employment?

The American Sociological Association lists a variety of websites that can be useful when seeking a job or career information.

The BHSU Career Center can also be a good resource when seeking employment.

Interested in Graduate School? 

Knowledge, research, leadership, and real-world experience; these four characteristics will well-serve students who want to attend graduate school. Professors will mentor students as they narrow their search for just the right program and write letters of recommendation to help them complete their application packets.

Professional Organizations

Join a professional organization to stay connected.

Contact Info

Laura Colmenero-Chilberg, P.H.D
Phone: 605-642-6365

Behavioral Sciences
Black Hills State University
1200 University St.
Spearfish, SD, USA 57799

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Develop valuable personal relationships in a small community with amazing faculty and staff while thriving in the outdoors of the Black Hills.