Color is an important component of the University’s identity. Color should be used carefully and matched to maintain consistency in all Black Hills State University communications.
Green CMYK- C=99 M=34 Y=100 K=29 Pantone Solid Coated 349 RGB- R=0 G=98 B=51 Hexadecimal (web version)- #006233 |
Gold CMYK- C=0, M=22, Y=92, K=0 Pantone Solid Coated 123 RGB- R=255 G=199 B=38 Hexadecimal (web version)- #FFC726 |
Consistent use of typography is the foundation for our visual identity. Two type families, a serif and a san serif font, have been carefully selected for our visual identity guidelines: Palatino Linotype and Trebuchet MS. Secondary fonts can be used depending on the audience for specific publications. Such as Bebas Neue:
The official typeface Palatino Linotype is also recommended for signage and body copy of official publications.