BHSU Music Department Presents...
A Madrigal Dinner
Audiences will be treated to a full evening of food, music, and theatrical entertainment in Clare and Josef Meier Hall at BHSU’s presentation of “A Madrigal Dinner." The Madrigal Dinner is an annual fund-raising event for BHSU’s music department featuring a small ensemble of 16 singers that specializes in performing early music each Fall semester. The singers, in Renaissance garb, will portray a sixteenth-century king, queen, and court who have invited the audience to a Christmas feast in the castle’s great hall, complete with a recorder ensemble, herald trumpeters, a murder mystery, and a post-dinner concert. During the dinner portion of the evening, the court and the court jester will present a program with performances of several contemporary and traditional carols including “The Boar’s Head Carol,” “A Wassail Song,” and of course, “Silent Night.” The concert will feature works from Renaissance composers Adrian Willeart, William Byrd, John Wilbye, and others.
2024 Madrigal Dinner
Dates: ,, and
Dinner begins at 6:30 with a social hour at 5:30
Cost: $60 per plate
Please make reservations by filling out the form below and if you have questions about reservations call Katherine Kemp at (605)642-6420, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Mon - Fri.