BHSU and the Indian University of North America® at Crazy Horse Memorial® Complete Second Year of Summer Partnership

The second cohort of students to attend the Indian University of North America® (IUNA) at Crazy Horse Memorial® during its partnership with Black Hills State University (BHSU) recently celebrated the completion of the summer program during a ceremony held Aug. 4. 

The two summer semester undergraduate academic programs offered by IUNA at Crazy Horse, 7TH GEN.® First-Year and 7TH GEN.® Upper-Level, hosted a total of 32 students this year, an increase from the previous year. 

"One hundred percent of our students completed their courses this summer, earning transferable college credits. I think that is so important for students to learn how to navigate and be successful in their college careers," said Charlie Luecke, Professor at IUNA at Crazy Horse. "During our completion ceremony, 13 of our 32 First-year students earned what I would consider merit scholarships, and that was really exciting." 

Designed to equip Native students with the tools needed to thrive in college, the 7TH GEN.® First-Year Program admits high school graduates who meet the program's standard or probationary admission criteria. Once accepted and enrolled, students have the opportunity to earn a maximum of 12 credit hours. Through the partnership with BHSU, these earned credits gain the necessary accreditation for transfer to the college, university, or technical institute of the student's preference. 

"None of this could happen without our partnerships, especially with Black Hills State on the academic side," Luecke said. "The partnership with Black Hills in terms of facilitating and helping our students navigate the bridge from high school to college is so critical." 

Students enrolled in the program reside on a campus near Crazy Horse Memorial® where they attend classes, build community, and visit cultural sites significant to Native American history. 

Angel Lee, Director of IUNA at Crazy Horse, said they are currently working to expand their reach both regionally and nationally to attract students from various cultural communities. 

"For next summer, we're looking at increasing the number of cultural knowledge bearers, language bearers, and experiences. We want to expand learning opportunities, incorporating North American Indigenous knowledge, in addition to Lakota. A lot of our students have a wealth of knowledge to share, so we want to expand on that for next summer." 

Applications for the 2024 7TH GEN.® First-Year summer program are available at